During the Spring we spent a bit of time in our courtyard garden.I love to have a bit of Provence with the olive and citrus trees and some flowers in pots as it reminds me of France where in Spring everything comes alive with flowers in street gardens and pots everywhere.

We went on a camping trip with Mary and Don to Sandy Cove,200 k north of Perth, a great place where we camped just behind the dunes and had the beach to ourselves.

A view of the grass trees, Xanthorrhea priessi

Christmas was celebrated with all the family. It was a warm day about 36 deg celcius so we celebrated on the patio at our daughters place and the swimming pool was well used.

We have had a warm summer on the west coast and we have been very fortunate that we did not have the disastrous fires that the eastern states had.
Rottnest Island
We had holidays on Rottnest Island off the coast of Fremantle, with the family and friends and caught up with our boating friends in Longreach Bay.
Kevin and nephew Brad had some early morning trips going out for lobster with great success.
We had a lot of fun in the water
And in the sand
This boat brought along the xmas tree to get into the festivity mood.
We wore off the calories bike riding around the island getting the muscles in trim for Holland.
We had some wonderful sunsets the colours were unbelievable.
Autumn came and we started to get in the get ready for Europe mood but before this we travelled down south through the lovely Karri country to Anthony and Rachael’s wedding in Denmark. The wedding was held on the beach at Elephant Rocks in Williams Bay. A beautiful background for a great celebration, the tide was just right and no one got wet feet.
On the way home we visited Shelley beach. What a great view as we drove down to the campsite which was right on the beach. The fishermen were busy catching salmon as we set up camp.
Autumn is also the time for Sculpture by the Sea, a sculpture exhibition held on our local beach here at Cotttesloe. The exhibits are set up along the beach and the grass areas.
Easter is behind us now and it is still warm, the garden and the house has been tidied and we are into packing our suitcases for another adventure. This time in Holland again and maybe Germany