We continued up the Centre, on and off going into chains of up locks consisting of about 8 locks, each 500 metres apart, going up about 2.5 metres with the occasional 5 metre one so it is a pretty busy time. Today we had 23 up locks and progressed about 30k, it is just as well that the scenery is great. A big sigh of relief when we finally came to the down locks.
Our next interesting stop was Paray le Monial.

We had dinner in the bar restaurant which was the only one open out of the 8 or so we saw(apparently lunch is big here). It was a good choice as the owner was very helpful when we asked about trains for Margaret to get back to Paris. She found out we could get one from here or Roanne easily.

In the morning we visited the tourist bureau and got some info from very helpful english speaking young women. We looked around the huge Basilica which has been restored using modern furnishings and the Cloistre Jardin both worth the visit.

It was market day so on the way back to the boat we bought fresh salad vegetables, cheeses,apricots and figs for lunch.
Canal de Roanne a Digoin
Our next journey was down the Canal de Roanne a Digoin a side trip climbing 37 metres over 55 k to the town of Roanne. This canal was going to be closed but the communities of the 3 regions, the boat hirers and the VNF gathered together to keep it open for pleasure boats. It is one of the prettiest we have been on, a good canal for the first time renting a canal boat,the lock keepers are very good taking the ropes in every lock, so going up or down is no trouble.
Along the way we saw a young couple and their toddler travelling along the canal in a unique style. Mum was carrying a backpack, Dad had the little girl in a pack on his back and they were leading a donkey with the rest of the gear. Probably a cheap way to holiday as there was plenty of food on the way for the donkey.
The scenery is wonderful with some of the villages are set up high on hills
others along side the canal, with oportunities to visit restaurants at night.
We stayed overnight on the canal and after a misty morning late start arrived in Roanne in time for dinner at a restaurant in town.
In the morning Margaret took the train for a 1 hour trip to Lyon then the TGV to Paris.
We looked around Roanne and found a magnificent square in the old town with Tromp l'oeil on many buildings. On the photo below guess which of the windows in the apricot wall are real .
The buildings on the far left and far right are real, the rest are painted on a flat wall.

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