From Haarlem we went back to the Noordzee Kaanal to make our way north. Once again we got into the thick of the sea traffic. This is a very busy canal and at one time I counted 8 boats in one photo shot.

We turned off the canal and what a contrast as we passed through Zaandam.

The houses here are just as they were hundreds of years ago and the windmills still work as grinding mills or saw mills or water pumping.

Our next stop was Alkmaar where would stay a few days to see the Cheese auction in the main square.
The day before the auction all was quiet in the square as we wandered about.

Friday is Auction Day.

We left Alkmaar to travel up to Den Helder situated on the North Sea. Once again we found some of the bridges we passed through a little different.
We can get under a 2.6M bridge without dropping the canopy now, so travelling is a little faster if we don’t have to wait for the traffic to stop and the bridge to open.

On this part of the canal we saw some interesting patterned thatched houses, lovely irises growing in a paddock ready for the flower market and many wind turbines situated along the canal..

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