Staying without power for 5 days will be a good test for the 2 new large batteries Kevin bought while we were in Delft. We have a 1000 watt inverter so we can charge the computer, phones, ipod and camera battery.
The chargers for the bicycle batteries can only be done with shore power or while the motor is going so a lot more pedalling will be done over the next few days.
When we were in Germany I went for a swim in the lakes and couldn’t get back on the boat using our emergency ladder. This year we have a new ladder to put on the back of the boat and now the temperature is about 33c we have been swimming and thankfully the ladder is a success and I can exit the water looking less like a beached whale than last year.

We need to be frugal with the water as our tank only takes 200 litres. Over the years of cruising one becomes an expert on water management when it comes to having a shower.
The hot water for the shower on our boat is produced by a heat exchanger from the engine water. If we don’t travel far and the water doesn’t get hot then we use a 12volt shower and hot water from the kettle in a tall thin container. I have found that when you need, you can have a shower with around 6 litres of water and for the next few days we will need to.
On our first early morning walk we came across this delightful family enjoying the quiet and the sunshine.

Later in the day we felt a bit sorry for them as the town busied itself around them with market day.

Around town the shop windows had witch decorations and thought it was a strange theme when it was no where near October 31. Shopping here must be a little scary especially on a dark winters afternoon.

Looking around most of the shops had a witch theme and one caught my eye as it had the most delightful little witches on brooms, inside a customer who spoke very good English who told us the story of Ouderwater and the witches. Witchi Poo now lives on our boat.

In the Middle Ages when many people were tried and burned because people accused them of being a Witch. The accused had their hands and feet tied and thrown in the water, if you floated you were a witch, if you sank you were not a witch as you were too heavy, however you were drowned anyway so the verdict did not matter.
The belief was that witches had to hardly weigh anything so they could ride their broom. (although I have known some modern witches who have been very large). In the 1600’s Ouderwater became famous as they had special scales for weighing witches to see if they were really witches or not (Very smart councillors here).
The building where the scales were housed still stands and the weighing platforms and weights are still used today. People came from all over the surrounding countries to gain a certificate of proof of not being a witch.

Kevin passed the test no problem.

I passed also. What you don’t believe it!! I have a certificate to prove it.

On Soccer night we donned our orange gear and went over to the little bar near the boats and joined in the fun.

We didn’t arrive until around halftime and people were a bit glum then when they got winning goals they all said we brought them luck.

Witchi was overlooking the festivities

Down town and doing our shopping we saw a slight lady filling giant bags on her bicycle and a huge basket and bag on the handle bars with a trolley full of groceries. She said she hated shopping and got as much as she could when she came. We were laying bets as to whether she would fit it all in.

Sunday came and we rode out of town to a farmers field to see the balloons go up. The balloons were laid out waiting for the weather check.

It was windy and after much talking one balloon decided to go up. As the balloon was filling up it was being held back by a lot of straining men, and the people who had paid for their ride hopped into the basket.

Then it took off and headed towards Utrecht which meant the others called it off as it would be difficult to land near there.

We didn’t know it had been called off as the announcment was made in dutch but we twigged as the people packed up and started leaving and the balloons began to be packed up. We bicycled back home and packed the boat ready to leave next morning for Utrecht.
I hope the weather will be warm as I hope to wear my new soccer supporter outfit.

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